The ACL specifies the permissions that users and user groups have to access the resource.
Set-Acl – The Set-Acl cmdlet changes the security descriptor of a specified item, such as a file or a registry key, to match the values in a security descriptor that you supply.
To use Set-Acl, use the Path or InputObject parameter to identify the item whose security descriptor you want to change.
Then, use the AclObject or SecurityDescriptor parameters to supply a security descriptor that has the values you want to apply.
Set-Acl applies the security descriptor that is supplied. It uses the value of the AclObject parameter as a model and changes the values in the item’s security descriptor to match the values in the AclObject parameter.
These Commands are a part of Microsoft.PowerShell.Security PSSnapin
Here im showing an example to change permissions on a folder data placed on my c: drive.
First lets see the current permissions on the folder
Get-Acl C:data
<#To change the ACL of a file, use the Set-Acl cmdlet. This example prevents the TempUser Account from write-permissions on a folder:#> $acl = Get-Acl C:data $arguments = "Hyper-V12-5TempUser","Write","Deny" $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $arguments $acl.SetAccessRule($accessRule) $acl | Set-Acl C:data
<#Now if i again check i see that the folder permissions have been changed
and TempUser Account has been denied to write in a file #>
Get-Acl C:data
if we have multiple folders under C:data how do we inheritance permissions to the sub folders & files which are under C:data
I have added this to the arguments line for inheritance:
$arguments = "Domain$Userlogin","FullControl", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow"
I found it here, so credits for the publisher:
the new website is here with the correct article :
This seemed to work, but it was unreliable. OS X seemed to drop the connection and it took some time to reestablish it with a connection dialog that defaulted to username/password. I had to switch to file sharing
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