Switching Over From PowerShell V2 to V3 in Same PowerShell Console

Switching Over From PowerShell V2 to V3 in Same PowerShell Console
Hi Guys, Today i saw a cool way of switching over from PowerShell V2 to V3 in the same console, thought to share the same with you all.If i open a PowerShell V3 Console and run the below command it switches the powershell version to v2.

PS C:Windowssystem32> powershell.exe -v 2

And if i do the same thing vice-versa it switches again back to PowerShell V3.

PS C:Windowssystem32> powershell.exe -v 3

Here’s i have illustrated the same with a screencap, as you can see i ran a syntax check for Restart-Computer cmdlet in both V2 and V3  and i was able to see V3 had -Wait,-For, -Delay etc which are the new set of parameters bundled with Restart-Computer cmdlet in PowerShell v3.

I also confirmed the same with PSVersion info in $PSVersionTable.

Here’s a screen cap for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8


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