Cleanup VMs in vCenter using PowerCLI.
Cleanup VMs in vCenter using PowerCLI. – Thought to share my experience on cleaning up some VMs using PowerCLI.
The action item was to scan a csv file which consists of a list of VMs which are powered off and need to be deleted.
Well the problem was the CSV file created and maintained by the admins contained a (OFF) string name after the vmname.
Now if we initiate a search for the VMs with these names it would fail and return the VM was unavailable. i had to do a bit of PowerShell trickery to get this solved.
First, connect to the vcenter, get a list of all VMs in a variable ( now that is super fast as Get-VM has substantial speed improvements in PowerCLI 6.3 R1), next i imported the CSV file and compared both the names, the once that matched i kept in an array and ones that did not in another.
Once we have all the finalized names, we can remove all the VMs in one snap using
Remove-VM -DeletePermanently -Confirm:$false
So here goes the script, i hope it helps you out and gives you ideas for VM cleanups.
Connect-VIServer <vcenter_name> -Credential (Get-Credential) # All vms in vcenter $vms = Get-VM # VM names supplied by the admin $vmnames = Get-Content vmnames.txt # Array of VMs to be deleted $array = @() # Array of VMs non existent $array1 = @() # Multiple for-loop to compare the names and append in both the arrays. foreach ($vmname in $vmnames) { foreach ($vm in $vms) { if ($ -match ($vmname -replace "(OFF)","")) { $array += "" | select @{l='CSV_VMName';e={$vmname}},@{l='VC_VMName';e={$}} } else { $array1 += Write-Host "$vmname does not exist in vcenter" } } } # Delete all the Stale VMs permanently $array | % { Remove-VM $_.VC_VMName -DeletePermanently -Confirm:$false }
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