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Presenting at PowerShell Bangalore User Group Meeting, June 1st 2013

Had a good time at PSBUG event organised at Microsoft Bangalore, here’s a snap from my presentation. Here are the details of the event And here’s the topic which i presented
Running SharePoint 2010 PowerShell  cmdlets on Windows Server 2012

As per Microsoft we cannot install SP2010 on a Windows Server 2012 Box.Here’s the KB article which states this When we try and run the prerequisites installer before installing SP2010 it states that it has a compatibility issue and it fails.…
New iSCSI cmdlets in PowerShell V3 Part – 1

Today i was going through the new iSCSI cmdlets in Windows Server 2012, i was pretty amazed to see that we can automate almost all aspects related to iSCSI configurations. I did a quick check on all iSCSI related cmdlets…
Delegated Administration in Windows PowerShell v3

In a Large Enterprise say for example if we consider a Infrastructure Management Team we would be having   a Number of Teams, Maybe one could be Exchange Team, Storage Team, Network Team and Maybe a PKI team.Delegated administration allows…