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Managing Linux with PowerShell DSC

Managing Linux with PowerShell DSC Managing Linux with PowerShell DSC – After some hard struggle, we know that success will finally come through. This is what happened when me “A pure windows guy” started testing out DSC for Linux. In this…
PowerCLI DSC Resource for Snapshot check.

PowerCLI DSC Resource for Snapshot check. Finally after a week of exploring DSC and building custom resource modules, i was finally able to build a custom DSC resource using PowerCLI. Huge Thanks to my friend Ravi, MVP PowerShell for helping…
Troubleshooting PowerShell DSC Deployments.

Troubleshooting PowerShell DSC Troubleshooting PowerShell DSC – In this post i wanted to share some troubleshooting steps i followed during my DSC testing. You can read more about my DSC testing i did at my earlier blogpost which shows how to…
Auto Deploy Virtual Domain Controller on VMware using PowerCli.

Auto Deploy Virtual Domain Controller Hey, Guys! – PowerCli is awesome!!, and its really great when you find that it can integrate with your Microsoft infrastructure to deploy stuff!!, without any manual intervention,  a fully automated solution. I deployed a…